The loss of your loved one, whether due to illness or sudden trauma, is devastating and saying goodbye properly a vitally important rite of passage for them and frequently the start of the grieving process for you. It is completely understandable that the world feels bewildering and in turmoil at this time.
Saying goodbye to your loved one is incredibly important and extremely personal. We will talk about how you want to express your sorrow whilst remembering how special and unique they w . Grief is invited in and we give thanks and also hold space to honour them as a person.
The cremation or burial does not have to be on the same day or location as a memorial service. Empathetic and caring, I am here to help guide in the diverse styles of how you can celebrate and reflect their values and beliefs, honouring their passing. A traditional location may be perfect or a natural, woodland burial plus you can hold a remembrance ceremony at their favourite sports club or even on the beach.
For many of us our pets are our family and losing them makes us feel vulnerable and empty. If you wish, they too can have a memorial service.
By listening to the details of this precious life, drawing inspiration from their experiences, work and passions, we will create a fitting tribute, uplifting and respectful, in a peaceful arena or where they spent happy times, and say goodbye to your loved one in the right way for them.
I am proud that for over 20 years, including whilst working full time, I have been able to provide practical help and loving care to close relatives and friends weakened by age and frightened by dementia.
Able to empathise and connect in the moment, I bring security and reassurance.
Dedicating time during their declining health have brought years full of laughter, fun and everlasting, precious memories.
Always remember that you are not going through this time alone. There are both local and national organizations available with expertise and guidance, please reach out to them because help is available.